Solitaire Bird Dogs - Photography

photo of kelly with her puppy
portrait of a dog for Solitaire
Kelly giving dog medicine

On-Site Photography

Kelly at Solitaire Bird Dogs needed a way to showcase the difference in her dogs from other Epagneul Breton breeders.  Her proven record in field trials and in shows highlights her successes, but doesn’t cover the care put in at home. With a background in nursing and dedicated training on her property, the dogs bred and raised at Solitaire are not only bred genetically strong and physically sound, but also part of an active lifestyle and cared for as one of the family.

We headed to Solitaire’s property to capture the time Kelly puts into the training outside and the care the dogs receive in the home.

kelly holding bird for dog training
Kelly with her donkey
kelly holding dog looking at award wall
kelly holding her puppy outside
photo of a dog in training
portrait of a dog in training

Highlight your difference

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