Beginning Message
After developing the name for the brand, Revex, our team explored the top level messaging structure with cohesion and expression of the brands' core values. We pulled elements from the brand name: Re to tie in a rotating messaging structure that also aligns with the powerful, aspirational language of the brand's mission statement—Reshaping the Metals Economy. We utilized RE words that align with their process to tie in a consistent message on the home page: reclaiming, reshaping, recycling, reshoring, and refining. To find these words, we listened attentively during Revex discussions and developed a deep understanding of the technology and the sector's global economic states. We unpacked the political and economic drivers to position the concepts and highlight the remarkable ideas that formed the core value proposition. Once the core terminology was established, we iterated with the client, their partners, and the SmartZone team to build out and refine the messaging pattern.

Building the vision
Existing in a start-up capacity and seeking funding toward a facility to bring jobs into the region, Revex needed a way to connect the brand with a vision of a factory. We imported CAD for a suitable factory building, applied their branding as a 3-dimensional sign, a rooftop paint scheme, and aligned with their market needs before placing renderings into the site. The presence of a physical (though 3D model) of a building gives the Revex website brand an increased sense of tangibility, and increases receptivity with stakeholders, investors, and political aides. Bringing the vision to life, we also animated the camera views around the building to help the audience visualize the full scope of the planned facility.

Communicating the Value
We recruited local partners from our broad network of clients to participate in photos with assets like automotive batteries and electric vehicles. The net result of these actions was to present Revex with momentum in the market and in their technology, while delivering crystal-clear communications about their core value proposition. By leveraging the relationship capital we have fostered over decades, Monte was able to move the project forward at the speed of trust.
Capturing attention
To provide a deep sense of physical progress in the technology, we built a servo-controlled rotator where we could carefully control the speed, direction, and duration of moving powdered and granular materials "mixing" as they might appear in a pilot or benchtop scale processor. Scrap copper pellets were cascaded down chutes and into a hopper-like box that was recorded at a scale which made it feel like pilot production was underway. Low-friction industrial UHMW profiles were employed to slide powdered materials that would otherwise stick. By leveraging creativity across disciplines, we can engineer an experience that crystallizes in the mind of the audience. When presenting this video in the context of a web header, a colleague asked, “Where is this place?” The question revealed that Revex was very real and tangible to her, precisely the unconscious conclusion we were seeking.