Museum Website

Our 90's website has 110 static pages...

We can help you create a fresh, new website with unlimited dynamic pages.

We struggle to update pages and content using FTP. Can you make editing easier?

Your new site will be built on the Drupal content management system. This means you'll be able to make text updates and create new pages from anywhere! 

Can I make edits from my phone?

Yes! And your website will look great on phones and tablets!

I can't wait.


1) Highlight the minerals—from Abswurmbachite to Zonochlorite 
2) Guide visitors through thoughtful design choices 
3) Keep visitor information easily accessible 
4) Make image uploads and web edits unbelievably easy

The Design

The museum had recently acquired a new logo, and asked Lauren to design the new website to follow their brand guidelines. The website design features squares and rectangles in the navigation, on the slideshow, and in the call-to-action buttons—all in support of the "boxy" theme set by the logo mark. 

Let's talk about your web design needs

The Details

Small details can boost a design from 'blah' to 'brilliant.' The texture on the home page slideshow images is an abstract representation of a mineral's crystalline structure, and also ties into the square shapes seen throughout the website.

THE Website

The A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum of Michigan Tech has the largest collection of minerals from the Great Lakes Region and it’s also home to the largest slab of native copper – all 17 tons! We worked with the museum staff to create a responsive Drupal website that displays (proudly) the history present on the Michigan Tech campus. The website responds beautifully, from the page content to the menus.

Ask us about mobile-friendly websites

The Photos

Lauren likes to understand as much about a client as possible, so her designs truely represent their unique brand. She sent Matt on a boon-doggle to capture photos of the mineral exhibits and gift shop. Several of the 'test' photos were so great that they made it onto the website!

Boon-doggle (noun): fun errand that takes place outside of the office.

Is it time for a mobile-friendly website redesign?

It's MONTE time