We need a new name for our company. Can you help?
We have a naming process that has worked well for us. Let's talk keywords!
Great! After we have the new name, we'll need a logo and supporting brand materials.
No problem! Working through the name with you will result in a stronger brand design.
Finally, we need a website as cool as us.
That we can do!

What's in a name?
Hall Associates. If you were to guess, based on the name, the type of business... I doubt you would have come up with a company that specializes in flying people and things (think: trucks) for theater productions. The name was from a former owner, and it was holding them back. Matt and Ashley created lists upon lists of every word even remotely connected to the idea of flying, and after much debate, Vertigo was born. It is edgy, daring, and has just the right amount of pizazz.
Design Time
Having gone through the naming process, Lauren was teeming with ideas for the logo. The idea of a bird struck a chord, but wasn't quite enough to create the ties to the entertainment industry that they desired. The "cuts" in the birds wings form "smiling" and "sad" mouths as a subtle nod to iconic comedy/tragedy masks. Finally we chose a modern, solid type and added "slices" through the letters to ensure the logo is easily laser cut into Vertigo's custom equipment.
Home page
The website home page features a custom slideshow, complete with animated buttons that direct the viewer to one of their four main industries. Design is minimal, allowing the photos to shine.
Responsive Design
The Vertigo website is designed to flex to fit the size and orientation of the screen it is being viewed on, whether that is a phone, tablet, laptop, or high resolution computer monitor.

Easy Edits
Content and images are easy to add and edit, so the Vertigo team can keep the website information up-to-date and handle changes themselves, without the need for a trained web developer.