Green Timber Photography

Outdoor Adventures

Matt suited up in full body mosquito-proof apparel before heading to the deep woods to photograph the Green Timber crew (oddly immune to the pesky blood suckers). Prior to the photoshoots, we worked with Green Timber to create a shot list that included team meetings, individuals working, wide shots showing the forest, close shots highlighting specific tasks, heavy equipment operation, cut timber, and more. 

Portrait Photography

While in the deep woods, Matt captured in-situ portraits of several Green Timber employees. The portraits ranged from smiles at the camera to faces focused on their work. These photos are used throughout their website (designed and built by MONTE) to build trust in the Green Timber team and their experience managing forests.

Learn more about the Green Timber website

Indoor Photography

To show the full range of services offered by the Green Timber team, Matt also captured photos at their office as they collaborated in their conference room and worked at their individual stations. 

Need indoor or outdoor photography?

Let's chat over coffee!