Does your website match the quality of your products and/or services? Perception is reality.
We firmly believe that if your website isn't working for you, then it is actively working against you. Every time your clients or customers struggle to find what they are looking for on your website, your brand takes a hit. Little by little, their perceived quality deteriorates, resulting in them potentially shopping elsewhere.
The MONTE team expertly guides you through the process of updating your website—from creating an intuitive structure, an attractive and user-friendly home page, and attention-grabbing buttons. Ready to get started?
Faces of Service
It’s about the people – from the customer service representatives that greet you to the computer and internet repair technicians. The team at is dedicated to providing the best for their customers and Matt worked to showcase that dedication in photos used throughout the site – capturing the team hard at work in the office, in the bucket trucks, or on the ground.
Website Design
The Internet & Phone web page highlights the options a package with provides to customers, including bundled or standalone services with an explanation of a dedicated internet service (when compared to shared services from cable providers), a listing of the options provided in the traditional package, as well as a mapped page to denote fiber and DSL services.
Clear customer support
And because it’s all about the people – wanted their customers to easily be able to contact their customer service representatives while exploring the website, so contact form blocks are present in the right sidebar of nearly every page of the site. The contact us and support menus always present at the top provider customers with another easy touchpoint for contact.
interactive mapping
Built by our talented developers, the Fast Fiber & DSL Internet services page has a fully interactive Google map with zoom-in capabilities. The blue area on the map displays where DSL internet is commonly available, while the red roadway lines show where fiber internet is available. The left side encourages customers or interested parties to call for questions regarding coverage with expandable sections for frequently asked questions about fiber and DSL internet.
TELLING THE STORY has a unique story to tell its customers, so getting the message right was key. It was important for customers to quickly see the internet service options, but the offerings vary slightly for home and business customers. Lauren designed buttons on the home page slideshow that clearly direct home and business customers to the correct sections within the Drupal website.
Struggling to reach your audience? We can help.