Branding Space

monte logo design aerospace brand
logo design ideations

Step 1

We begin each logo process with an in-depth conversation (or two) about the client and their competitive landscape. Then Lauren digs in deep—researching the industry and the competitors—before beginning to design the logo concepts. She weeds out the weakest designs before sharing the concepts with Matt and Ashley. Together they choose the final set to reveal to the client in a live or screenshare meeting. We ask clients to consider not only the designs they like, but to put themselves in their customer's shoes and select a brand approach that connects with their target audience.

logo design process

Step 2

Once the client has selected a logo approach, it is time to refine design and consider it from all angles. We ask clients how and where the logo will be used, and then use this information to make sure the proportions work well in each scenario. For example, if your logo will be most visible as a sign on a storefront, you may want the overall shape of the logo to be a long, thin rectangle. Alternatively, if your brand will be most visible on social media, it would be most beneficial to design your brand to maximize the space within the square used for profile photos.

logo design color options


You may have been wondering why all the work to this point has been in black and white. There are two reasons for this: 1) a strong brand will work in every scenario. Your logo may look great in full color, but what happens when you need to place an ad in a newspaper? Or you want to embroider it on a shirt? We design in black and white to ensure your brand will be recognizable regardless of color. 2) We are all sensitive to color. If we added color to the initial logo concepts, you may be drawn to a logo because you favor the colors (and not necessarily because the design is the best choice).

logo design brand hierarchy


Your success is our success. Now that we have created a nice, shiny logo we want to make sure you have the tools to use it correctly. In addition to providing the logo in a variety of file formats (.ai, .eps., .pdf, .jpg, .png, etc.) we also provide multiple versions of the logo if needed. In this case, US COMP needed both a stacked version and a horizontal version to fit their various intended uses. This document outlines the hierarchy of the logo options—starting in the upper left with the primary logo, then moving to the right, then down, then right, etc. 

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