We need a website that reflects the changes we’ve made to our school: the curriculum, the infrastructure, and the opportunities we provide to our students.
We’d love to help, but our work would be stronger if we could start with the school’s brand identity and athletic identity and combine the two. The result would be portrayed through the photography and the website.
We want our brand to be remembered, if you think a redesign of our logos will help. Go for it!

Following the logo redesign, Matt spent the day taking photos at Dollar Bay Schools. The photos show the dynamic classroom environments, unique learning electives, hands-on courses: from parachutes in the gym to robotics development, technology in the classroom to drawing and painting. Dollar Bay offers 27 electives and is one of three local schools to offer trimesters.
The responsive Drupal website pulls together the brand redesign and the engaging photography to highlight the vast trimester, elective, pre-college, and other educational opportunities provided to students at the Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools. The home page can easily be updated to reflect the growing number of electives and the students earning college credit while studying at Dollar Bay.

During the website design process, Lauren saw the vast opportunities available to potential students and wanted to find a way to share those with interested families. Ashley and Matt set-up studio interviews with four faculty members who talked about the experiences at Dollar Bay, focusing on the family-type environment experienced in the classrooms, hallways, and beyond.

New Brand
As a result of the rebranding effort, the K-12 school decided not only to adopt a new logo, but also change their name from the Dollar Bay Bays back to their original name the Dollar Bay Blue Bolts.
Need a new logo? Let's talk.
Since the logo design was released, the school and its students and alumni have proudly created new hats and shirts with the tagline “boom” – coined by the Monte team.
Need headlines that strike a chord?
In Their Words
"The slick and user-friendly website Monte created for our school has become a point of pride. From professionally re-designing our logo, shooting quality photos, and offering good advice about branding to streamlining pages and functions that save time for faculty, parents, and administrative staff, Monte Consulting has exceeded our expectations. When we wanted to add features to meet our school's needs, they were immediately responsive with creative solutions--in fact, no matter what our need or question, the Monte team was quick to respond with help and guidance. Within a week of the site going live, we were hearing from other districts wanting to know who was behind this beautiful site."
Christina Norland, Principal