Maureen Monte Website

Maureen Monte website designed by Monte Consulting

When your sister writes fabulous books, you make sure she gets a fabulous website to match.

Maureen Monte, Matt's sister, has a wealth of experience helping teams perform their best in the corporate and sport industries.

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Destination Unstoppable book covers on Maureen Monte's Wordpress website

Brand Design

Maureen asked the Monte team to design both of her book covers (as well as her business cards, t-shirts, and more). While the book Destination Unstoppable has been in print for some time, Maureen's latest book—Win Like a Girl—was not yet printed when the website was launched. To keep the book covers consistent in appearance, Lauren created a number of 3D mockups of both books in Adobe Photoshop to use throughout the website. 

Mailchimp e-newsletter signup form on Maureen Monte's Wordpress website

Mailchimp Integration

Maureen is overflowing with wisdom and advice on how to use strengths to improve teams, relationships, and win at the game of life. She decide to create a monthly e-newsletter called Unstoppable, and it was essential that the signup and email collection process was seamless. We integrated Mailchimp with her Wordpress website so all emails entered into the form are immediately stored in Mailchimp. Even better, those that sign up receive an automatic "welcome" email from Maureen confirming their subscription.

Wordpress website About page for Maureen Monte

Information Design

Lauren reviewed the content written by Maureen and chose the best way to display that content on each page of the website. Because of her long working relationship with Maureen (they first connected in 2007!), Lauren would often write bits of text and headlines to help flush out the pages and create a better flow for website visitors. Maureen was able to fine-tune all text on the website before it went live following the training we provide to all website clients.

Wordpress blog by Maureen Monte

Wordpress Blog

In addition to her Unstoppable e-newsletter, Maureen also writes blog posts regularly. This is a great way to drive (free!) traffic to your website and, if your content is seen as valuable/entertaining/etc., they will keep coming back for more! Maureen's Wordpress blog allows her to leverage her talents for writing and photography in a series of articles that are relevant to what is happening in the world today. Curious what you can learn from Maureen?

Visit her blog

phone showing destination unstoppable video text



Matt used interviews of Maureen, Coach, and players to weave the story of a high school hockey team that went from struggling to state champions. He also animated the book cover art and added on-screen text that Lauren designed to match. Music and live game footage add the right touch of intensity and energy. The video is embedded right into the Destination Unstoppable web page: check it out here.

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